Regional Hub
Concept Statement
That church leaders, marketplace leaders, and congregations will cooperatively join together to pool human, and material resources and spiritual gifts and talents so as to enhance each other and build up the Kingdom of God on earth more effectively.
Regional Hub
- We hold Jesus as the head and purpose of all we do.
- We hold the Bible as the inspired and true word of God.
- We hold to the unity in love of the Church of Jesus Christ.
- We hold to honoring and building up the other expressions of the body of Christ. We refuse to be gossipers, slanderers, underminers, dividers, operate in judgmentalism, or function in a critical spirit.
- We seek to work together to bring about the glorious bride of Christ in its full expression.
- We seek the full restoration of the church to all Christ has called it to be.
- We seek to offer support to each other in spiritual, practical, and relational matters.
- We seek collegiality among church leaders and congregations for the purpose of mutual strengthening and growth.
- We seek to work together for the mutual benefit of the Church of Jesus Christ wherever and whenever possible.
The Role Of The
Regional Hub
- Connecting leaders in the church and Marketplace in the region
- Sharing resources and vision for the region
- Mutual encouragement and strengthening
- Relational connections for accountability and health
- Functioning of the five-fold equippers
- Professional services
- Leadership development
- Working with civil government
- Working with the marketplace